Tag Archives: FOECast

FOECast ideation week, day 1: brainstorming and reflection

Today, February 26, we begin our week of brainstorming a future of education project.  Yes, it’s day 1 of the FOECast ideation week! Today’s prompt is, What needs did the Horizon Report meet? Think about it.  How did Horizon inspire … Continue reading

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Starting this Monday: a week of brainstorming, ideation, and prototyping

What project should we create to grasp the future of education and technology? Over the past month I’ve helped start Code Name FOECast, an effort to build plans and prototypes for just such a project.  Now FOECast’s first event is … Continue reading

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Our project has a title! Now for next steps

Last week I asked for your thoughts on naming a new project, a higher education and technologies futuring research effort.  Over the next few days nearly one hundred votes poured in. Which name won out?  The clear winner was FOECast, … Continue reading

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Help name our new future of education project

This year a group of us are developing a research project about the future of education and technology. buy cipro online buy cipro no prescription generic Last week I described a plan for how this can proceed. Today we’re going … Continue reading

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Beyond the Horizon Report: a plan and a call for participation

Two weeks ago I floated the idea of creating a new project, a future of education and technology initiative that would go beyond the late Horizon Report. I wasn’t sure if anyone would respond, to be honest.  This is awkward … Continue reading

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