What people say

What people say about me:

Many call themselves “futurists” — Bryan actually knows how to do it.

Howard Rheingold, author

Bryan’s combination of insight and humor, and encyclopedic knowledge of the current landscape of technology and education– and their potential intertwined future– is unique. I always look forward to his talks and to more direct conversations.

Dan Cohen,
director, Digital Public Library of America

I recommend that you read every word that Bryan Alexander writesand invite Bryan to any discussion that you are having about the future of higher ed – 

Joshua Kim, Dartmouth University and Inside Higher Ed

If you’ve ever joined a Future Trends Forum with Bryan Alexander, you know it’s the best webinar series in education. Bryan is an internationally known futurist with a knack for keeping audiences engaged (serious understatement).

-Maria Anderson, founder and CEO of Coursetune

Bryan spoke at our School of Business Retreat 2020 at SUNY Old Westbury. His input was received with respect and admiration. He is direct and clear in expressing his thoughts in a manner that appeals to audiences of all stripes. His prescient vision and keen intellect are peppered with self-effacing humor and characteristic modesty. He has the gift of communicating startling insights and alarming predictions in a matter of fact and mild manner. Engaging him in a debate is always edifying!

-Raj Devasagayam, Dean, School of Business, SUNY at Old Westbury

Bryan Alexander is a superb speaker, thinker, writer, and conversationalist. At our recent consortium-wide workshop, Bryan’s talk, the sessions he facilitated, his ability to pose just the right questions, and his good humor all contributed to great conversations across our mix of faculty and technologists. Whether examining the forces of change in higher ed, or emerging pedagogies, or strategies for successful collaboration, Bryan challenged and inspired us.

Liz Evans, Consortium Director,

Liberal Arts Consortium for Online Learning (LACOL)

Bryan Alexander is a perfect keynote speaker. After his inspiring and entertaining speech, he attended the conference sessions and was actively involved in it, by interacting with delegates in-person and through social networks. Totally recommended.

-David Marti, INTED2017 organizing committee

You’re one of the best speakers I’ve ever seen – and I’m picky!

-Lisa Schreiber, Project Director, The Public Speaking Project

By running the Observatory you kindly help us focus in on different flickers, some of which might be new suns bringing life, a couple are no doubt just comets streaking by, and perhaps a few might be asteroids hurtling this way. Whichever the scenario, it’s a running conversation of great value and you keep it open to everyone.

Bryan brings a dynamic and deft energy to everything I’ve seen him do since I first met him in 2005.  That’s over a decade of NITLE workshops, keynotes, webinars, blog posts, and workshop facilitations, and in all of that work, I have been continuously impressed with his dedication, insight, and poise.

-associate professor Brett Boessen,

Communication, Media & Theatre Department Chair, Austin College

A master of content and delivery; Bryan served as an expert and welcoming guide in our exploration of digital storytelling across the campus.

Marla Botelho
Chief Information Officer, Regis College

“Your facilitation skills are stellar and you do a great job of making the speakers feel a part of the discussion. “

Kara D. Freeman, Vice President Administration and Chief Information Officer,  American Council on Education

“brilliant, fascinating, and engaging – he is also just a really nice person who finds time to raise chickens while contemplating the future of technology.”

-Michael Wesch, associate professor of cultural anthropology,  Kansas State University

“Bryan’s writings scare me.  He knows what he’s talking about.”

Bill Thirsk, Chief Information Office, Marist College

“Bryan Alexander, who is (for me) an almost magical provider of thought-provoking resources for the higher education professional interested in technology.”

-Tomás F. Summers Sandoval Jr.,
Associate Professor of Chicana/o & Latina/o History at Pomona College (source)

Bryan Alexander is one of the foremost thought leaders on technology in higher education, futurism, emergence, forecasting and research. I had the the distinct honor of attending numerous workshops and events at the Mellon-funded Center for Educational Technology while Bryan was Director there, and it was a transformative, career-defining experience. Bryan embodies how the humanities remain relevant in the digital age: his perspective is informed by his university teaching career, and his deep knowledge of literature–and the gothic canon in particular–result in novel, startling, and effective thought models when applied to his futurist lens. His perspective is unique, and every time I get a chance to talk with him I come away with something new. People like Bryan, and Howard Rheingold, despite long careers and grey hairs, are still at the vanguard of the digital. The pace of change is accelerating, which can be unsettling for institutions, and is why we need research and strategy more than ever.

Zach Chandler
Web Strategist
Stanford University

Thanks to you for literally conjuring up the channel of discussion from scratch. Without your presence in the community, I don’t know how else these discussions would be surfaced so accessibly.

You provide an essential service to the advancement of the HE profession and it is greatly appreciated. It is a privilege to be called upon to participate in it.

Steve Covello, instructional designer at Granite State College

“Bryan Alexander’s presence at our workshop was incredibly valuable in terms of his curiosity, insight, and vast knowledge. He delivered his presentation with an accessible expertise that is rarely matched. The content of his presentation covered the basics to the advanced with such skill that attendees of all prior knowledge levels were engaged and attentive.”

Angela M. Vanden Elzen,
MLIS Reference & Web Services Librarian and
Assistant Professor, Lawrence University

“Your help has been pivotal in organizing this event for which no road map existed.”

-Carol Sabbar, organizer of Next Generation

Libraries course-ference, Carthage College

“One of the highlights at the 2nd Annual Deans’ Institute was the roundtable discussion lead by Bryan Alexander. He engaged participants in a thought provoking discussion about open education in the liberal arts that encouraged this group of academic leaders to reconsider how they defined open education and what it means to the future of higher education. We will definitely keep Bryan on a short list for discussion facilitators for future ACAD events.”

Laura Rzepka, Executive Director,
American Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD)

“In the course of a one-day workshop and discussion, Bryan Alexander provided ideas and resources that opened the eyes of members of all four of the disciplines in my department (literature, composition, English education, and linguistics).  His wide-ranging knowledge of trends and possibilities in instructional technology and digital storytelling led to much fruitful thinking and exchange.  In the time since, faculty who have tried things that Bryan outlined have been very pleased with the results.  Months later, people are still sharing positive reactions, and some would like him to come back as soon as possible.”

– Stephen Bernstein, Chair, Department of English,
University of Michigan – Flint

It was great to have Bryan Alexander lead a day long workshop with our librarians and instructional technologists. Personally for me, it was very rewarding to see how our staff engaged with Bryan at an intellectual and strategic level. On large part this outcome was because of Bryan’s thought-provoking and insightful discussions. He really has a way of getting people out of their comfort zone, but in a very collegial and respectful way.

Param Bedi
Vice President, Library and Information Technology
Bucknell University

@BryanAlexander is an eclectic reader who is generous in sharing links to good articles on a variety of topics, with a focus on the future of education & education technology, and some interesting asides about science fiction.

The Center for the Future of Museums

Your visit has really helped us to focus our energies in what I hope will prove to be a successful project!

Robert Renaud
Vice President & CIO, Dickinson College

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