I frequently travel to speak to conferences, campuses, and events. For example: National Endowment for the Humanities, Sloan Consortium, University of Michigan, Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges (CLAC), Maricopa Community Colleges, Northern Voice, Penn State.
To book me as a speaker, contact me.
Content: I usually Web up my materials via Slideshare. I try to avoid death by PowerPoint, so sometimes use alternative media, like Prezi (example) or nothing (here).
Here are some video recordings of selected speaking engagements:
- Metropolitan State University of Denver, May 2017, recorded (starts at 19:08)
- “OCLC Symposium: The Hope and Hype of MOOCs“, ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia, PA January 24, 2014:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Ttfcp5YYI]
- “The Visible College: Four Futures for Higher Education“, University of Mary Washington, March 15, 2012.[vimeo 38611377 w=500 h=281]
- “Futures of Higher Education: Three Scenarios.” Address to Trinity University for curricular review process, answering question “How can liberal arts education prepare students to address the challenges of 2022?”. Sept 8, 2011. Video stream.
- “Imagining the Future of Education: Scenarios for Learning After Technology“
- Keynote to Sloan-C Emerging Technologies for Online Learning conference, San Jose, July 11, 2011.
- “Five Ways of Looking at the Liberal Arts Campus in 2015” . Keynote for Consortium for Liberal Arts Colleges. June 16, 2010, Dickinson College. Materials.
- “The Futures of Academia”. Presentation to World Future 2010, July 10, Boston.
- “Google is not Making Us Stupid.” Invited talk to Hamilton College, 2009.
- “Social Media is Killing the LMS Star”, presentation for the 2009 OpenEd conference. (archived)
(photo by Andrew Connell, Dickinson College)
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Bryan Alexander did a presentation for the Emerging Technologies Conference in San Jose, California and WOW! He is one of the more charismatic visionaries of this new technology age. Thanks, Bryan, for making this conference a great one.
WOW! is right. Bryan delivered the keynote address for the SUNY Learning Network’s 11th annual SLN SUNY Online Summit. His address, “Emerging technologies for teaching and learning: a tour of the 2010 horizon,” was dynamic, thought provoking, inspiring, timely, and thoroughly engaging. Great presentation! Thanks, Bryan! : ) http://slnsolsummit2010.edublogs.org/keynote/
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Pingback: A year without caffeine, part 2 | Bryan Alexander
Woops – wanted to point my students to your LMS piece, but the link is dead. Any chance you have it and/or could post it elsewhere?
Which LMS piece, Brett?
The Social Media Killing the LMS Star piece above.
Looks like that site’s down.
Here’s the Internet Archive copy: https://web.archive.org/web/20100124143117/http://openedconference.org/archives/1037 .
Thank you, sir. 🙂
I’m glad to help, and eager to hear your students’ responses.
Also, I’m thankful you spotted the dead link.
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