Category Archives: podcasts

News from me: two media updates

Greetings from a very harried May. There’s a lot going on here – too much, really.  I finished my spring class and am now redesigning and reorganizing fall seminars.  In other tabs, I’m working on the new book.  Producing the … Continue reading

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I’m interviewed for an Inside Higher Ed podcast

Last week Inside Higher Ed interviewed me for their podcast, The Key. Doug Lederman, a fine host, began by asking me about futures thinking, so I offered a quick intro to the profession. Next, we discuss how the pandemic changed … Continue reading

Posted in interviews, podcasts | 2 Comments

Podcasts I’m listening to in November 2021

What podcasts are good to listen to these days? I’ve been listening to podcasts since their first wave, even before Ben Hammersley coined the term way back in 2004. Now, during their second wave, this golden age of podcasts, when … Continue reading

Posted in podcasts | 9 Comments

Some podcasts I’m listening to in January 2021

What podcasts are good to listen to? I’ve been listening to podcasts since their first wave, after the term was coined in 2004. Now, during their second wave, this golden age of podcasts, I like to learn about interesting programs … Continue reading

Posted in podcasts | 15 Comments

Reflecting on higher ed in the pandemic

As higher education continues to grapple with COVID-19 I’ve been talking with various kind interviewers.  It’s a good way for me to think through my analyses. Here are two. First, Howard Teibel and a colleague talked with me on his … Continue reading

Posted in coronavirus, interviews, podcasts | 5 Comments

I discuss Academia Next on Trending in Education

The media tour for my new book continues! Last week the Trending in Education podcast was kind enough to host me.  Mike Palmer and I had a wide-ranging conversation, touching on adjuncts, pedagogy, technology, disruption, and some of my scenarios. … Continue reading

Posted in interviews, podcasts | 3 Comments

In the media for Academia Next

Since Academia Next came out (Johns Hopkins University Press) (Amazon) I’ve lucked into a bunch of media appearances. It’s excellent to get the word out about the book, of course, but I also love the conversational aspect.  It helps me … Continue reading

Posted in interviews, podcasts, writing | 2 Comments

Discussing the future of higher ed with Bonni Stachowiak, a podcaster who knows the web

Last month (year) (decade!) I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Bonni Stachowiak.  We talked about all kinds of stuff, from Academia Next to information history and teaching. Bonnie’s podcast, Teaching in Higher Ed, is fine listening for anyone interested … Continue reading

Posted in interviews, podcasts | 2 Comments

Talking about futurism as a career

This week I had the good fortune to be interviewed by Brian Nelson for his Way of the Futurist podcast. Our focus was on the futures or forecasting profession: how we got into it, how we make it work. buy … Continue reading

Posted in interviews, podcasts | 1 Comment

Some podcasts I’m listening to in 2019

Every year or so I recommend some podcasts that I’ve been listening to.  Since today is International Podcast Day, it seems a good time to issue a blog post update.  (previous posts: 2018, 2017, early 2016, mid-2016, 2015, and 2013) … Continue reading

Posted in digitalstorytelling, podcasts | 5 Comments