Category Archives: travel

A futurist decarbonizes his professional travel in 2024: problems and options

How can we travel without contributing to global warming? I’ve been considering this problem for a while at the institutional and macro levels, as I researched climate change and higher education’s future.  I’ve also mulled it for myself, thinking of … Continue reading

Posted in climatechange, travel | 2 Comments

Heading to ASU-GSV 2024

Greetings from airportland.  I write this waiting to board a United Flight to San Diego, where I’m scheduled to participate in the ASU-GSV conference. It’s my first time there, in fact. Yes, yes, I’ve heard all the hype and the … Continue reading

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Decarbonizing my professional travel

As I’ve been researching the climate crisis and how it might engage higher education, I’ve also tried to change my personal life in response to global warming. I’ve taken up bicycling, have started eating a vegan diet, and more, but … Continue reading

Posted in Bryan Alexander Consulting, climatechange, travel | 30 Comments

This week in Denver: join me at EDUCAUSE

Over the next few days I will be in Denver, Colorado, at the EDUCAUSE anual conference.  I’ll be doing plenty of things, and hope to meet some of you, human sized or otherwise: Tomorrow – Tuesday, October 30 – I’m … Continue reading

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Headed to the EDUCAUSE conference this October and hoping to see you there

Are you thinking of going to the EDUCAUSE annual conference this October?  If so, I’m leading two sessions there, and would be delighted to see you. The first is a preconference workshop, Digital Storytelling, Educational Technology: The State of the … Continue reading

Posted in storytelling, travel | Tagged , | 1 Comment

A day in the life of a futurist, 2018 edition

Last year I blogged about a day in my work life.  People have told me they appreciated that glimpse into daily futurism practice, so I’ll offer another one now.  Perhaps this should be an annual thing. 6:00 am – I … Continue reading

Posted in personal, travel | Leave a comment

Dear Delta Airlines: why the horrendous service?

What do you do when you experience horrible customer service, and can’t get redress? Blogging is one response. This is a story about bad air travel in the United States.  Maybe it’ll draw some attention from the service provider, or … Continue reading

Posted in travel | 19 Comments

Into the future with air travel dystopia

Recently I’ve been thinking about air travel, dystopia, and the future. Yes, it’s natural for anyone flying in the United States* to think of dystopia, given our system’s combination of misanthropic service, grim airports, overcrowding, a military-like mix of rushing … Continue reading

Posted in travel | 3 Comments

Next week in Philadelphia

Will any of you be in Philadelphia next week, for the annual EDUCAUSE conference? I’ll be there and doing a bunch of things: A preconference workshop on automation in education.  The main focus here is twofold: on automation in creativity, … Continue reading

Posted in travel | Tagged | 2 Comments

On the road in May and June

While I live in Vermont, I travel a great deal.  I’d like to share my schedule here, so as to be able to meet up with readers and co-conspirators. Here’s the itinerary: May 13 – attending my daughter’s graduation from … Continue reading

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