This week on the Future Trends Forum: an experiment about mobile education

This Wednesday we’re going to try a new experiment with the Future Trends Forum videoconference.

But first, a quick update.  I’ve been leading the Forum since February 11th, 2016.  As of this morning 1,799 people have participated in sessions, with nearly 100 guests.  Seventy-six (76) recordings are available on YouTube.

Colutta and I

Photo by Paul Signorelli at the 2016 NMC conference.,

Most sessions take the form of free-wheeling discussions between a guest, myself, and between 40 to 180 Forum participants.  Some sessions are experiments in form, as when we collaboratively responded to Charlottesville, or when we jointly explored the full range of higher education’s future:


In two days I’d like to try another experiment in mass videoconference futuring.  This time we’ll meet to explore a specific question narrowly focused on one aspect of the future of higher education.  There won’t be a single leading guest; instead, we’ll put our heads together to see how far ahead we can get.

The question: how will education use mobile computing over the next decade?

I will pose it at the start with a few introductory notes, then nudge discussion forward with a series of follow-up questions.  You all get to share your thoughts and speculation about the topic.  Together we’ll see where mobile technology, and this experiment, takes us.

Join us on Wednesday from 2-3 pm EDT.  To RSVP ahead of time, or to jump straight in at 2 pm, click here:

To find more information about the Future Trends Forum, including notes and recordings of all previous sessions, click here:

on the Forum: Ekowo Fishman Campbell

Manuela Ekowo, Rachel Fishman, Gardner Campbell

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7 Responses to This week on the Future Trends Forum: an experiment about mobile education

  1. VanessaVaile says:

    Wish I could but am traveling and probably won’t be anywhere near a computer at that time. I’ll pin the post on FB and throw some mlearning thoughts out on Twitter

  2. VanessaVaile says:

    Sent tweets but turns out I would not have been able to participate even had schedule permitted. Back today and glad to be, now off to catch this one on YouTube.

  3. Pingback: From Trump to mobile to Blade Runner: several recent projects on the web from me and other folks | Bryan Alexander

  4. Pingback: What should we do next with the Future Trends Forum? | Bryan Alexander

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