Still more American university cuts and mergers

As American colleges and universities work to fill up their fall classes, some are struggling to cope with low enrollment and financial pain.  Once more, our higher ed sector continues to be unhealthy.  Once again, the queen sacrifice is on the table.

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ITEM: more than one half of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education‘s public universities are considering cutting programs and faculty.  We know about this because the faculty union has publicly warned its members of this administrative intention.  (The specific term isn’t layoff but “retrenchment”.)

axITEM: the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system is considering massive administrative consolidation, along with combining a dozen community colleges into a single entity.

ITEM: two Connecticut Catholic institutions are considering a mergerSacred Heart University and St. Vincent’s College.

Two different states, private and public campuses – what do they have in common?  My readers already know the answer: enrollment and financial pressures, driven in part by demographics.

It’s all very open and public.  Listen to the Catholic merger story:

“I think, quite honestly, what you’re seeing is something that is probably going to transpire throughout higher education in the coming years,” [Michael Gargano, president of St. Vincent’s College] said. “A lot of times with these small, niche institutions, they just don’t have the financial wherewithal to support all aspects of the operation.”

Or let Rick Seltzer tell it, right in the first sentence of his article:

The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system is tumbling down an enrollment and funding cliff, landing it back in line for cuts and consolidations.

Please notice that all of these stories take place in the American northeast, where demographics are aging fast and the K-12 population is dropping.  I’ve been talking about this for years as a powerful future trend.  I fear the impact is only just starting to be felt.

These stories might not get a lot of discussion.  They don’t involve the wealthiest universities, which usually draw the lion’s share of attention.  They include community colleges, less well ranked public institutions, and Catholic schools.  They are vital nonetheless, and impact human lives.

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 They are worthy of our attention.

What do their fates tell us about the rest of American higher education?


(thanks to eagle-eyed Stephen Landry for the link; photo by Warrior Squirrel)

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8 Responses to Still more American university cuts and mergers

  1. VanessaVaile says:

    Reblogged this on As the Adjunctiverse Turns and commented:
    when a queen sacrifice hits on the table, the seismic waves ripple through the entire campus workforce but often with most drastic outcomes for on the adjuncts in the basement of the Ivory Silo™

  2. Joe Murphy says:

    I wonder to what extent the decline of small Catholic colleges speaks to the state of American Catholicism. I’d hypothesize that the parochial school system was a feeder for a lot of these small Catholic colleges; if engagement with those K-12 schools has declined (and changed as population has sorted and vouchers have come into play) perhaps that’s a specific part of the supply problem.

    Of course, we’re seeing this in other Christian institutions too, so it’s a minor factor compared to generally growing secularism and the more basic demographic trends you’ve noted. But I wonder if there’s a specifically Catholic response.

  3. Hi Bryan,

    I am considering a Schol Comm position at Mississippi State University and wanted to get your opinion of that state’s support of higher education. I know it’s been rather abysmal this year but is there any hope for the future? The appeal for me is the job fit and the people, plus it is a mid-level, tenured position.

    I give you my word that I will keep your opinions strictly confidential.

    Thanks in advance for any insight.

    All the best,


    Claudia Holland, M.A., M.L.I.S. Head, Scholarly Communication and Copyright Mason Publishing Group George Mason University Libraries 4400 University Dr., MS 2FL Fairfax, VA 22030 703-993-2544

    From: Bryan Alexander <> Reply-To: Bryan Alexander <> Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 10:36 AM To: claudia holland <> Subject: [New post] Still more American university cuts and mergers

    Bryan Alexander posted: “As American colleges and universities work to fill up their fall classes, some are struggling to cope with low enrollment and financial pain. Once more, our higher ed sector continues to be unhealthy. Once again, the queen sacrifice is on the table. “

  4. Pingback: Still more campus cuts | Bryan Alexander

  5. Pingback: On the solstice, dark thoughts for 2018 | Bryan Alexander

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