2015’s running out, so WordPress decided to send me data about this year in blogging.
This kind of data analysis is actually pretty useful, as it gets me out of the daily blogging horizon, while showing how the world – you all – view and use this blog.
For instance, my personal posts tend to be the most popular, especially when they involve health issues.
Education posts win the most attention when they involve grim developments at the institutional level, like queen sacrifices, and less when they focus on technology and/or pedagogy.
At a meta level, this is a very quiet, very small example of automation’s progress. It’s akin to Google’s automatic storytelling function, as a web service uses your data and their tools to offer a synthesis.
Well, let’s see what WordPress says.
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.
Here’s an excerpt:
The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 110,000 times in 2015. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 5 days for that many people to see it.
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Seeing your post, I looked at my own year-end review, but didn’t find it very satisfying. It didn’t seem to notice that I had started the blog in June of this year – e.g., calculating the photos posted per week as though I’d been posting 52 weeks. And with sixty-some posts, the “top five” didn’t give me much insight. Although part of the problem is that I don’t put much trust in WordPress’ view statistics, since they don’t separate unique visitors or unique commenters (and counts your own comments too). So a single person could read your post and comment, after which you and
that person go back and forth several times with comments and likes, and the stats for that post now show 7 views and 13 comments — but it’s all just you and one reader. Have you tried any other blog statistics programs that use better measures?
Not yet. Can you add Google Analytics?