Tag Archives: EDU15

Further reflections on EDUCAUSE 2015

Last week was the major EDUCAUSE annual conference.  I already shared materials and thoughts from my various presentations and events.  Here I’d like to offer some more observations. And they aren’t in any particular order.  They are also personal reflections, … Continue reading

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EDUCAUSE 2015: my sessions and some observations

Last week I participated in the EDUCAUSE annual conference in the midwestern American city of Indianapolis.  By “participated” I mean gave four and a half hours of presentations, helped with three hours of online presentations, and was interviewed once or … Continue reading

Posted in demographics, education and technology, future of education, presentations and talks | Tagged | 3 Comments

Americans using technology: smartphones and city kids versus old folks in the country

How do Americans use technology? buy vardenafil online buy vardenafil no prescription generic  Pew gives us another excellent and useful report. Here are some highlights from my reading, as I snuck glimpses during and returning from the EDUCAUSE 2015 conference: … Continue reading

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Presenting and participating in the EDUCAUSE 2015 conference

This October I’ll be presenting, participating, networking, schmoozing, reconnecting, and generally hob-nobbing with people at the EDUCAUSE 2015 conference in Indianapolis. Here are some of my events: A pre conference workshop, Building an Emerging Technology and Futures Capacity in Your … Continue reading

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