What’s next for our online book club?
After much discussion and many responses following my query, I have decided on…
Sara Goldrick-Rab, Paying the Price: College Costs, Financial Aid, and the Betrayal of the American Dream (publisher; Amazon). This is a new, exciting, and important book for higher education.
From the book’s description:
One of the most sustained and vigorous public debates today is about the value—and, crucially, the price—of college. But an unspoken, outdated assumption underlies all sides of this debate: if a young person works hard enough, they’ll be able to get a college degree and be on the path to a good life.
That’s simply not true anymore, says Sara Goldrick-Rab, and with Paying the Price, she shows in damning detail exactly why. Quite simply, college is far too expensive for many people today, and the confusing mix of federal, state, institutional, and private financial aid leaves countless students without the resources they need to pay for it.
buy lasix online buy lasix no prescription genericDrawing on an unprecedented study of 3,000 young adults who entered public colleges and universities in Wisconsin in 2008 with the support of federal aid and Pell Grants, Goldrick-Rab reveals the devastating effect of these shortfalls.
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The book’s subject connects with many themes that we’ve discussed on this blog, on the Future Trends Forum, and through the FTTE report.
Additionally, the author is happy to communicate with us as we read:
absolutely! Would skype too
— Sara Goldrick-Rab (@saragoldrickrab) January 10, 2017
So let’s track down copies. I’m downloading the Kindle version and asking the local public library to order one for their collection.
I’ll come up with a reading schedule shortly.
Where would you like to discuss Paying the Price: Twitter, this blog, your blog, a Google Doc, or…?
Happy reading, all!
I kind of like the hodgepodge of places from last time. The blog comments, Twitter hash tag, caribou other blog posts. Basically I’m fine with anything as long as I don’t have to login to Slack. ‘-)
I’ll work on the caribou. Thanks, Kyle.
I’m with the hodgepodge too. Catch as catch can from wherever we are
Is there a schedule for this yet? (Sorry if I missed it!) Looking forward to this important discussion.
Coming up as soon as I score my copy.
Welcome aboard!
PS: how would you like to participate?
Thanks. I think twitter would be good.
Twitter is good.
We need a hashtag. Is #payingtheprice ok?
Really good interview here! https://www.c-span.org/video/?415168-1/words-sara-goldrickrab Book TV After Words with Sara Y. Goldrick-Rab. She is interviewed by Lisa S. Coico, President of the City College of New York. From SEPTEMBER 27, 2016
Oh, very good catch. Great choice of interviewer.
You could create a #bookclub thread in the Slack group?
Our local library system has several copies, including my town. I’ll be picking it up tomorrow. I think it might be an interesting demographic study to compare local library availability.
It’s not at the local library near me, so I requested a copy.
Do you have an idea when you’re looking to get the party started with this book?
I hope to have a schedule posted this week.
Then give folks a week to put their paws on copies.
How does that sound?
I’m in!! (Don’t have an opinion, yet, on where to participate.)
Go Blue 🙂
Welcome, Zack. Wolverines!
Welcome, noni!
I’m also interested! I’d love to discuss here or on Twitter.
Welcome aboard.
Pingback: Reading _Paying the Price_: a plan | Bryan Alexander
Pingback: Starting to read _Paying the Price_: Introduction and Possible Lives. | Bryan Alexander
Pingback: Looking Closer at Oklahoma and National Pell Grant Data – Adam Croom