From Trump to mobile to Blade Runner: several recent projects on the web from me and other folks

This week a series of projects and pieces I’ve worked on appeared on the web.  Better yet, other people have responded with their own work.  I’d like to bring them all together for one blog post.

Some of you know that I’ve been experimenting with turning a corner of Facebook into a discussion space for exploring deep and/or challenging topics.  Recently I shared a New York Times piece about poor sales for the new Blade Runner 2049 film, and asked people to explore why.  Discussion was very interesting and illuminating.

Ann Anderson commented there, then took to her blog to share an extensive meditation on the movie, perception, the 1982 movie, gender, marketing, Wonder Woman, objectification, and more.  Do read the whole rich and thoughtful thing.  (And keep blogging, Ann!)

Elsewhere, flipped classroom guru Kelly Walsh wrote up his experience and thoughts about our Future Trends Forum experimental session about the future of mobile in education. Kelly contributed greatly to the discussion then, and now adds still more in his post.  Read it, and check out Kelly’s work.  Here’s the session’s description.  And here’s the entire session, recorded:

Speaking of the Forum, tomorrow we’ll have Robin Hanson as our guest. Robin is a strikingly brilliant and original person.  He’s an economist, but one steeped in technology. Last year he published The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life when Robots Rule the Earth (paperback due out January).  Here’s his Google talk about that book:

Futures-oriented people might be interested to know that he advises a prediction market firm. That’s tomorrow, Thursday the 12th, from 2-3 pm EDT.  If you can’t make it, you can share questions for me to ask in the comments on this blog post, or via email.

Elsewhere, last week Ivanka Trump called for more teaching about technology in education.  Inside Higher Ed asked a group of us to respond, and you can read the results here.  My own circa 500 words are near the top, thanks to the blessings of alphabetical order.   I tried to be polite and informative, aiming at a policy-oriented and general audience.

At a meta level, one quick note: I’m thrilled that people can still use the open web to share their thoughts, from blogging to video.  Hyperlinks and comments are living, productive things!  And we can sometimes, just sometimes make the social media giants useful.

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