Which book should we read next?

What should we read next for our online book club?  We just finished Sara Goldrick-Rab’s 2017 work on financial aid, Paying the Price .

Since 2014 we’ve been reading books covering different ways of approaching education, technology, and the future.  Titles have included media history, near-future science fiction, education economics, anti-authoritarian schooling, changes in higher education, sociology of class, the emerging world of automation, and the 21st century’s most important work of economics.

Here are books that have led the pack in previous discussions, plus a few that I’ve added to the mix.

You can vote in this poll, and also add thoughts in comments below.  You can support up to three titles:

I’m looking forward to your choices!

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14 Responses to Which book should we read next?

  1. I read the Fourth Turning (and the precursor as well) almost – yikes! – 20 years ago. It’s amazing how well the authors’ theory has held up. I wouldn’t mind reading it again. I’ve had Weapons of Math Destruction on my Kindle for quite awhile and need a reason to actually start reading it.

  2. Joe Murphy says:

    I’ve voted, but I’d like to suggest a title for the someday/maybe list: “The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts” by Richard Susskind and Daniel Susskind. Seems relevant to both what and how we teach, and how we organize work in higher ed.

  3. A book not on your list – that I finished on my walk to work this morning – and which is fabulous that I’m sort of speechless – is The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi. Even if we don’t bookclub this book – you should drop what you are doing right now and read this book.

  4. tomhaymes says:

    I’d like to make a suggestion. I’m bouncing around so much these days that committing to finishing a book in a reasonable amount of time is a real challenge (which is why I haven’t leapt in full throttle yet). Can we look at reading a sci-fi short story per week? I mentioned a few previously but a couple just off the top of my head:

    Isaac Asimov: Profession http://employees.oneonta.edu/blechmjb/JBpages/m360/Profession%20I%20Asimov.pdf

    Karl Schroeder: To Hie From Far Cilenia (in Metatropolis ed. John Scalzi)

    I’m sure we can collectively come up with others. I’m thinking these are more bite-sized morsels and I’d love to discuss them with the group.

  5. jeff mehring says:

    I’d like to suggest “Rise of the Robots” by Martin Ford. It ties with with what Joe Murphy mentioned above. It looks at how technology is shaping our future today, including education.

  6. Pingback: Our next reading: Tressie McMillan Cottom, Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy. | Bryan Alexander

  7. harry853 says:

    I’m thinking of starting a local book discussion group and appreciate the suggestions. Personally I’d go for “Ada Palmer, /Too Like the Lightning / (NPR rave review ).”. However I am no longer involved with educational institutions. I am doing some teaching with small classes, or one on one.. I think your readers would probably benefit more from one of the books focusing on understanding and dealing with the interaction of technology and education. I’m reading (or at least starting) Thomas Friedman’s new book “Thank You for being late”.

    Keep up the good work! Harry

  8. Pingback: What should we read next? A survey | Bryan Alexander

  9. Pingback: What should our online book club read next? | Bryan Alexander

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