Support my work, please! Holiday fundraising begins

As the holidays draw nigh, I’m announcing a new tradition: a year end fundraiser!

As an independent education futurist, I work full time to produce research.  This appears in articles, chapters, books, videos, interviews, and podcasts.  I also produce this blog, the Future Trends in Technology and Education report, the weekly Future Trends Forum, and the regular book club, all together under the header of the Future of Education Observatory.  This work goes on twelve months a year, seven days a week, and from locations around the world.

It’s all open, too.  I publish everything I do to the web, and write in public about my unusual professional journey.  I answer questions from literally thousands of people.  This is a transparent futures practice.

In 2017 it has been successful.  Thousands of people participate in each of these projects, and make them smarter.  I’m invited to speak and consult worldwide by universities, businesses, governments, and associations.  Media outlets reach out for my opinions.  Maybe, just maybe, we’re improving the conversation about the future of education.

Next year I plan on continuing all of this work… plus I plan on adding a podcast and a store to the offerings.  As technologies develop, universities struggle, politics sour, and all kinds of trends interact, I’ll be there to help people see ahead.

However, I am also not part of any institution, business, or government.  On the plus side, I’m not influenced nor constrained by an employer.  On the flip side, however, all of these productions occur without a net.  I’m constantly scrambling to keep the lights on.  That’s also a 365-days-a-year effort.  If I were a college, I would be president (fund-raising), professor (research), CIO (tech support), and chief librarian (document and information management) all in one.  My wife would be the CFO.  This is quite literally a mom and pop shop.

That’s where you come in.  You, dear reader, can help knit a net.  You can keep the lights on and support the mission.  You can keep the research going.  Your contributions can power the Forum, the book club, the blog, the articles, the books, the podcast, the videos, and more.  You can keep the Observatory looking into the future.

Solstice by Sandy Brown Jensen

Please support us!

You can do this in two ways.

The first and best method, is by signing up to my Patreon.  Anything you can contribute helps, even $1 per month (less than the cost of a single cup of coffee).

For $5 per month you can pose questions which I’ll address on the Forum, the next FTTE report, or this blog.

Bryan's Patreon page header

For $10 a month, you can join the awesome wall of credits.

wall of credit

Those who offer $15 per month get to participate in a regular Q+A session on the Patreon site.  For $30 on up, you get live regular conversations with me over video.

Now, if you can’t support this work on a regular basis, a one-time donation is always welcome.  Click the PayPal button below to accomplish that:

Donate Button with Credit Cards

If you are reading this and already support my work – BRAVO!  I admire and love each of you.

We’ll keep this fundraising drive running through December 31st, thanking each new or upgraded supporter individually.  The goal is to get the monthly Patreon support level up to $650, which would secure the FTTE report.

Please consider contributing to support this unique endeavor.

(solstice art by Sandy Brown Jensen; Wall of Credit assembled by Ceredwyn Alexander)

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One Response to Support my work, please! Holiday fundraising begins

  1. Pingback: The New Media Consortium: updates and next steps | Bryan Alexander

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