Tag Archives: tv

It's time to blow up the tv "town meeting" scam

I have plenty of reactions to last night’s presidential debate (quick list here), but wanted to expand on one in particular in this post. We have to stop doing tv town halls.  We have to stop it now. Because they … Continue reading

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American tv "news" networks look blearily at the mirror and swear to change, for real this time

Media coverage of the 2016 American presidential campaign has become so terrible that even tv “news” people are starting to question themselves.  They worry that the relentless pursuit of ratings has led them to abandon journalistic principle, and maybe even … Continue reading

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American TV news is making you much more afraid than you should be

I’ve been slamming American tv “news” for a while.  Today I’d like to focus on the way CNN, Fox, et al portray crime.  Because their coverage is worse than it was just a few years ago.  And while they’ve been doing … Continue reading

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The vileness of American tv news: a new datapoint

I’ve been criticizing American tv “news” for a while.  Sometimes I think I can avoid the topic… buy eriacta online buy eriacta no prescription generic and then more examples just keep pouring in. Today’s story is a good one.  It’s about … Continue reading

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TV news as a hotline to memory

Yesterday my friend Steven Bragaw posed a terrific question by Twitter.  Thinking it through with other people triggered a lot of memories, then gave me more insight into the problem of American tv “news”. It was actually a question via … Continue reading

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American tv news stations confronting the terrifying possibility of committing journalism

The New York Times has a fine story about tv “news” that’s good for eliciting both tears and laughter.  It concerns the plight of American cable tv  outfits, who now face a dilemma.  They want to cover the presidential campaign, but … Continue reading

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More journalists now recognize with growing disgust what tv “news” has become

Horror at tv “news” seems to be building this month, which has some implications for information literacy.  Last week I mentioned reports of some people working in tv “journalism” coming forward (anonymously) to share a sense of self-loathing at what … Continue reading

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American tv news starts to glimpse the horror it has become

I’ve been criticizing American tv news – sorry, “news” – for a while.   It’s been a frustrating task, given that mock-journalism’s ability to prosper and influence. buy lexapro online buy lexapro no prescription generic  But now it seems like … Continue reading

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Why tv news must die; a task for educators

Last month I explained why American cable television news was a shambling disaster, and urged readers to please stop watching it.  Naturally those “news” “services” have gone on to provide more fodder for my argument during the following weeks.  This … Continue reading

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Die, American cable tv news, die

Did you know CNN publishes a Fear and Greed Index?  That this is a regular thing? Hang on.  Let me start again. The first step towards media and information literacy in 2015 is to stop watching American tv news.  Seriously. … Continue reading

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