Tag Archives: television

More journalists now recognize with growing disgust what tv “news” has become

Horror at tv “news” seems to be building this month, which has some implications for information literacy.  Last week I mentioned reports of some people working in tv “journalism” coming forward (anonymously) to share a sense of self-loathing at what … Continue reading

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American tv news starts to glimpse the horror it has become

I’ve been criticizing American tv news – sorry, “news” – for a while.   It’s been a frustrating task, given that mock-journalism’s ability to prosper and influence. buy lexapro online buy lexapro no prescription generic  But now it seems like … Continue reading

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Why tv news must die; a task for educators

Last month I explained why American cable television news was a shambling disaster, and urged readers to please stop watching it.  Naturally those “news” “services” have gone on to provide more fodder for my argument during the following weeks.  This … Continue reading

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Die, American cable tv news, die

Did you know CNN publishes a Fear and Greed Index?  That this is a regular thing? Hang on.  Let me start again. The first step towards media and information literacy in 2015 is to stop watching American tv news.  Seriously. … Continue reading

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