Tag Archives: MOOCs

Making MOOCs work on campus

What can we do with MOOCs in 2014, after that bubble has popped? In “Interactive Online Learning on Campus: Testing MOOCs and Other Platforms in Hybrid Formats in the University System of Maryland” (pdf) Rebecca Griffiths, Matthew Chingos, Christine, and Mulhern Richard … Continue reading

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Yale’s former president to Coursera

The recent president of Yale University has moved to lead a major MOOC platform.  Richard “Rick” Levin will become the new CEO of Coursera. Anya Kamenetz asked for my thoughts, and I had two.  First, that Levin would be a fine … Continue reading

Posted in research topics, Uncategorized | Tagged | 2 Comments

Starting the Future of Education MOOC

The Future of Education MOOC started this week.  I’ll share some notes and reactions here. So far: this first week sets a historical context for the future.  Professor Cathy Davidson focuses on media history, with an emphasis on history of the … Continue reading

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