COVID diary, days 3+4

Notes on being COVID afflicted, days 3 and 4:

October 31

Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I hate having to miss it due to a very non-fantastic, all too mundane bit of horror.

Today my symptoms are better.  No head pain. Throat soreness is down. Swallowing isn’t a problem. There are fewer hot flashes.  I’m generating less in the way of entertaining mucus. Best of all, my attention is more focused and sustained.  Few brainfog instances.

I’m sleeping better, but not getting enough, at least for what my body wants. I woke up groggily, having to help family (see below).  I feel the pull to nap like a gentle tide, but I resist that, since naps usually leave me more tired, sadly.  Maybe I should give in.

On the downside, my adult son just joined me in quarantine. Owain’s not sure if I gave the bastard virus to him or if he picked it up at a medical appointment.  So we are commiserating and comparing notes.  Father-son bonding, sharing a single room in joint misery.

November 1

Woke up tired. In the morning I sat in a chair and in bed, mostly doing emails, but also doing a 10 minute tech check with a Future Trends Forum guest.  My work habits are strong.

I tried to relax in the afternoon, playing Civilization (V; for some reason I can’t get into VI) with Owain. But my evening class loomed, so I ate lunch (crafted per Gchatted instructions to my un-sick family, desposited outside our door) and did class prep.

My Georgetown seminar on technology and innovation runs 6-8:30 pm, and I raised the possibility of ending it early if my energy flagged.  Students were very kind and supporting.  I started things off with a student writing exercise. This involved a Google Doc hosting technology and innovation keywords we’ve monitored since the start of term. They worked from their memories and notes, developing definitions and examples.  I gave them some feedback, pointing where they can go next, commending their work. Next up was a student’s presentation (on the XBox), which didn’t require me to be on the hot seat. (Throughout the semester each student gives a 25-minute interactive presentation on a tech topic of their choice, with my approval  and within a framework we’ve developed. Delightful to see the students learn and also to see their presentational creativity.

Then we shifted to Ruja Benjamin’s powerful Race Against Technology for our theme of technology, politics, and justice.  The discussion was powerful, as each student explored different parts of the argument, trying out questions and formulations. Emotions built up.  International students asked good questions and offered their perspectives. We were also going to address Jill Lepore’s critique of disruption, but by 8:20 I was quite drained and drew things together, pointed to next week, and bowed out.

Right after I took a COVID test.  Maybe it’ll be negative…

coronavirus positive test Bryan 2022 November 1

Damn it.

At least the second line was faint and slower to appear than last time.

I wanted to relax after class with a movie, yet I couldn’t stop my brain from working. I emailed several students to follow up. Fixed up class notes.  Did some updating in the Canvas instance. Then it was natural to check Twitter and Mastodon, plus doing more emails and… I don’t relax well.  I can’t switch off the desire to get things done.

Fell asleep after 11 pm.

My days now occur in a few square yards: bedroom, primarily, plus a few feet of hallway and the adjacent bathroom.

I can’t relax enough. I keep thinking of housework I need to do, and above all of my professional work. My mind leaps to various engagements and appointments for the next few months, various clients, the new book, the new podcast, the Forum, continuous research (new FTTE due out!), and looming over all a terrifying pile of emails.

I know this is dumb, medically.


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10 Responses to COVID diary, days 3+4

  1. Harry Baya says:

    Bryan, Sounds like you are hanging in fairly well. That’s good news to people like me who expect to eventually follow in your foo steps. Sounds like your work ethic should be dialed back a little and “rest” dialed up, but you may not have control of that dial. Thanks for keeping us informed. Harry Baya

  2. Annie Epperson says:

    The numbers of people who are “never-covid” are dwindling rapidly. Here’s to the line on your test getting fainter and fainter.
    Also, please do what your body wants. It will get its way no matter what. My mom used to have a great tee shirt with the admonition “Nature Bats Last.” Illness makes that clear. I’m sorry to hear of Owain; my niece at UVM just was released from “covid jail” (her term) last Thursday.

    • Bryan Alexander says:

      Thank you for the kind thoughts.

      I agree with nature batting last. But I’m not sure how to decode my body’s language. Mostly it’s silent. Sometimes it wants sleep.

  3. Glen McGhee says:

    Well, at least the Positive Test line IS lighter … sounds like this is your immune system kicking in …

  4. You really must learn to rest. You are not even doing a good imitation. Sometimes
    doing an imitation of someone relaxing and resting can be restful (though not relaxing, only the real thing will do then).

  5. Vanessa Vaile says:

    I’m with Annie. If you don’t listen to your body, your lizard brain will give it permission to get you but good…until you learn the hard way to listen.

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