Tomorrow – Tuesday, March 15 – the Future Trends Forum will host Anya Kamenetz. Anya is a familiar figure to many readers, having written a series of widely read books, serving as a frequent commentator on higher education, and currently writing for National Public Radio.
We will begin the conversation by discussing testing and how it’s changing over the next few years.
We will then return to the subject of an earlier book of Anya’s, the DIY education movement, to see how its various components are bearing out.
What questions and topics would you like us to address?
Click here to RSVP, or just to plunge on it if it’s the hour of the event.
For more information about Anya Kamenetz, you can visit her website, subscribe to her newsletter, read her NPR blog, or check out her books: The Test, DiYU, and Generation Debt.
For more information about the Future Trends Forum, check out previous posts on shows already done and those yet to come.
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