The future of libraries and faculty attitudes towards information: Deanna Marcum returns to the Future Trends Forum

Deanna Marcum and Bryan smilingNext up on the Future Trends Forum is our first return guest, Deanna Marcum, from Ithaka S+R.  In March we discussed the future of libraries and attitudes about the future of higher education shared by campus leaders and experts.  This Thursday we’ll push further on the fate of libraries, then explore Ithaka S+R’s new study about faculty attitudes towards information.

These two topics have a great of overlap, as changing faculty attitudes suggest changes to library services, and the general transformation of information ecologies elicits new ways for libraries to work.

Please join us this Thursday afternoon at 2 pm EST.  Click here to RSVP ahead of time, or simply click on the link to enter the event live.

For more information about Future Trends Forum click here.  For notes from and recordings of previous discussions, click here.

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