Today I’d like to share a COVID-19 and higher education report with you.
It’s a special edition of my Future Trends in Technology and Education (FTTE) report. FTTE appears each month, covering nearly 100 trends impacting colleges and universities.
It isn’t normally free. Each report takes a lot of work to produce, so FTTE has been subscription based since 2018. But the coronavirus crisis is extraordinary, and I hope FTTE research can be useful to some people in and around academia. Not everyone can justify or afford the subscription, I know well, especially as the economy sags into recession and worse, so you can now access this one for free.
It isn’t the full May 2020 report. It’s just the content that bears on COVID-19, which turns out to be about 89% of the whole thing.
So nearly the entire report.
This special report is not only free, but also open. I’m publishing it under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license, so you can do whatever you like with it. Copy and paste it, take out and use the chunks you like, insert pages into a PowerPoint presentation, set it to music, embed bits in a role-playing game, whatever your heart desires…
so long as you reference the report’s name and me as its creator.
There isn’t any DRM. There aren’t any restrictions or requirements of any kind.
Now, if you value the report and have there wherewithal to support FTTE research, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could contribute to its sustainability in this crisis. If you can, head to the FTTE site and subscribe. If you prefer, join the supportive crowd on Patreon. Whichever way you like, as an independent futurist in an economic crisis, I’d be very grateful.
Click here to download the pdf.
With this special open edition I’m continuing what I started in April. (Just made sure to add the CC license this time.) If people think it’s useful, I’ll keep doing so every month until the pandemic ends in some way. Let me know what you think.