The Future of Education Bookstore is now open

I’d like to announce the opening of an online bookstore for a very specific interest.  The Future of Education Bookstore stocks titles about, well, the future of education: about pedagogy, economics, policy, technology, culture, and more.

They include books published by Future Trends Forum guests, titles we’ve read in our book club, and books I have somehow been allowed to write.

So far there are forty-two books.  More are coming, and I’m always interested in suggestions.

For each book the bookstore lists the author, the title, and an Amazon URL.  Yes, I’ve opened this using the Amazon Associates program, so every purchase sends a tiny cut my way, helping keep my independent enterprise alive.  Each purchase also sends royalties to the author(s), depending on their contract.  I’ve also added links to publisher pages, author pages, and even Wikipedia entires, where available.  Lastly, each listing includes a link to either a Future Trends Forum recording or a book club tag, depending on the book.

bookstore screenshot list of titlesThis is a very exciting little project.  I hope it spreads the word about books I and others deem vital for the future of education, while giving those creative people a little love.  It also serves as a sort of syllabus generator for thinking about the future of education, for classes, ad hoc groups, or curious individuals.

On a personal note, this gives me a special thrill.  First, I’m a lifelong book person, so sharing these titles is a treat.  Second, for a decade I worked in the bookstore business, so now I’m enjoying a pleasant feeling of deja vu.

Please do check out the bookstore.  Grab some titles for yourself.  Recommend it to your friends and local library.  We all appreciate it.


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