Heading to Chicago for the 2023 EDUCAUSE conference

Who else is heading to Chicago for the 2023 EDUCAUSE conference?

I’m arriving Sunday night, assuming travel works out, and leading a preconference workshop titled “Generative AI as a Deep Agent of Chaos for Higher Education” Monday afternoon.  I think it’s sold out.  Then on Wednesday I’m hosting a live Future Trends Forum session there, blending the in-person conference with the online community.

EDUCAUSE 2016 preconference workshop audience

One of my preconference workshops, way back in 2016.

I’d be delighted to meet up with folks who are in town then.

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9 Responses to Heading to Chicago for the 2023 EDUCAUSE conference

  1. Excellent! I’ll be there–hoping we can cross paths and catch up F2F! I’m on the leadership in AI panel luncheon on both days. Where/when are you doing the Future Forum?

  2. Lisa Stephens says:

    See you there! Can’t wait! Also, nice stuff going on with FLEXspace to fill you in on!

  3. Sorry to miss it! I got dragooned into a part in a community theatre production of Titanic: The Musical (yes, really), and our rehearsal schedule is pretty intense, so I’m not going anywhere until mid-November. I’ll check out the online part, though!

  4. As ever, I won’t be there but hoping a workshop video will be available or at least blogged in detail — and, of course, looking forward to live Forum, reminding myself again about change of day. Now if only blending (and interest) extended beyond higher education.

  5. Dahn Shaulis says:

    Nice title for the workshop. I’m interested to know if anyone will use the word “dehumanization” to describe the chaos. Seems like we have gotten a taste of this in large classrooms and the growing dependence with online education (particularly at robocolleges).


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