
I’m a futurist, researcher, writer, speaker, consultant, and teacher, working in the field of how technology transforms education.

Bryan_IvanSome of the areas I focus on include social media, digital storytelling, mobile devices, gaming, pedagogy, scholarly communication, forecasting, and the future of academia.

In the past I’ve worked in a used bookstore, been an English professor, and helped build a national nonprofit organization, the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE), where I was senior fellow.  Now I write full time and run a consulting firm.

On that English lit theme, I’ve been researching and teaching Gothic literature for some time.  Some publications include articles on DraculaThe Blair Witch Project, and the cybergothic idea. My Infocult blog covers various Gothic issues.

Here’s my most recent CV: BryanAlexander_cv

15 Responses to About

  1. Pingback: Villager Bryan – Author and Speaker | Nudge Village

  2. Pingback: Bryan Alexander explores digital humanities, technology interactions at Elon | Julia Miller

  3. Pingback: Nudge Village | Villager Bryan – Author and Speaker

  4. Pingback: Husan Thompson » 3 Questions Your Bio Better Answer

  5. Pingback: From Yale to Coursera | Digital

  6. Pingback: The Digital Age is Here! But has it come at a cost… | jacksonsblogspace

  7. Naomi Boyer says:

    Hi Bryan,

    I attended your session yesterday at EDUCAUSE and have a follow up question. Do you know of any tools/measures for assessing digital literacy that you can recommend?

    Thanks! Naomi Boyer

  8. John Sheridan says:


    I don’t know if this one qualifies for your litany – or if I may have missed it. A friend who lives in Kearney, where we started our careers together decades ago, sent it along to me.

    I appreciate the good work you do.

  9. Pingback: Shaping Education Unconference 2018: Moving Into the Neighborhood (Pt. 2 of 4) | Building Creative Bridges

  10. Pingback: Shaping Education Unconference 2018: Homecoming for a Community of Dreamers, Doers, & Drivers (Pt. 1 of 4) | Building Creative Bridges

  11. Vivian Forssman says:

    Hi Bryan,
    Always enjoy your FutureTrends guests.
    That book you mentioned today (New York 2140) looks like a great read. I went to Book Club page and there is no mention on how to participate in your book club discussions. Please share.

    • Bryan Alexander says:

      Dear Vivian:
      Thank you very much for posting about the new book club reading. Thanks, too, for your kind words about the Forum – much appreciated!
      The way to read along with us is basically to follow the blog. I’ll write a series of posts, each summarizing a section of the book, followed by discussion questions. People typically respond in comments, or by posts on their own blog (which link to mine), or on Twitter (and I copy some tweets to my next blog post).
      Here’s an example, all posts and comments about Soonish: https://bryanalexander.org/tag/soonish/ .

      Now I haven’t created the first post about New York 2140, but should do so in the morning. Like Soonish, this reading will have its own tag.

      That’s what we’ve done so far. Today I launched some other venues (a Slack space, a LinkedIn group, a Facebook group). Would you prefer those to discuss the novel?

      Once again, thank you for writing. Welcome aboard!

  12. Pingback: The online Book Club – A connected learning experience? – Linking Learning

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